Fundamental Flies for the Beginner Fly Tier
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Fundamental Flies for the 
Beginner Fly Tier

Want to Teach Fly Tying?

There are fundamental flies for a beginning tier that important to learn to tie.  This manual provides that foundation and can be used by our Fly Fishers International Councils, Clubs, and Members. This is no way to replace any Council/Club’s existing Fly Tying Classes, but this manual is meant to help those that need a start in how to teach a fly tying class without having to reinvent the process.  Read more by downloading the manual. Our Learning Center is the place for fly fishing education, and FFI members get tips from our experts in casting, tying, and more. Not a member? Join Now to get access to our full Learning Center lesson library.

Why do we tie flies?

There is nothing like catching a fish with a fly that you have tied. You have created something that has fooled a fish. There is great satisfaction in the time spent behind the vise, binding feathers and fur with thread on a hook to look like something that the fish wants. 

We have all walked into a fly shop not knowing what to buy and thought, “Wow, I might be able to tie that myself and save money doing it.” That could be a driving factor, but personally once I am behind the vise all other thoughts leave me — it is just me and the vise, nothing else. I create and become an artist at the vise. Sometimes I feel fly tying is more important than actually fishing. 

Author and Master Fly Tier Eric Leiser once told me that “They say the time spent fishing is not deducted from a man’s allotted time on earth.” The same must be said for the time at the vise. 

So, I say to all you fly tiers, here is to a long lifetime golden moments we spent at the vise or on the stream.

Jerry Coviello, Author

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