Winners will be announced in Fly Tyer Magazine and FlyFisher Magazine.
First place winner of category 1, overall, will win A Nor-Vise rotary vise. For more information about the Nor-Vise see Norvise - Standard Rotary Fly Tying Vise
First place winners of categories 2 through 5 will receive a T-Shirt provided by the FFI FTG and a certificate.
Second and third place winners in all five categories will receive a certificate.
CONGRATULATIONS!! Results for the Fly Fishers International Fly Tying Challenge for 2023.
The flies for the 4th Annual FFI Fly Tying Challenge were a selection of Dave Whitlock flies. The participants had to tie the following: Red Fox Squirrel Nymph, Dave’s Hopper, Whitlock Mouse Rat, and the Whitlock Matuka Sculpin.
Dave’s Hopper

Red Fox Squirrel Nymph

Whitlock Mouse Rat

Whitlock Matuka Sculpin

Let’s start with our Third Place Winner who comes from the state of Florida, Joel House. Our Second place winner comes from the state of Louisiana, Leon Cuccia. Leon and Joel will receive Second and Third place award certificates.
There was clearly one person who stood out, making this again a truly international contest. Agniezka Kubale won first place. That name should sound familiar because she won last year’s contest in 2022. The Kubale family come from Poland. Congratulations Agniezka! Agniezka will recieve a Norvise - Rotary Fly Tying Vise from our sponsor NOR-VISE, a medal and certificate.
First Place
Agnieszka Kubale
Junoszyno, Pomorski Poland
Second Place
Leon Cuccia
Terrytown, Lousiana
Third Place
Joel House
Mary Esther, Florida