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Find a Fly Tier

Locate Fly Tying Instructors and Demonstrators

This directory is a list Fly Tying Instructors and Demonstrators who are members of FFI. To locate one of our tiers, please enter your criteria, e.g. last name, state or country. Click the Search button to the left and wait for the system to return the tiers that fit your criteria.  If you need assistance please contact FFI HQ by e-mailing ftg@flyfishersinternational.org or calling 1-406-222-9369 X0.

The results are displayed in order of state, city and tier's last name. Most searches are conducted by geographic location. If you want to find a person by name please type the tier's last name in the last name field and leave all other fields blank.

If you feel your search results are inaccurate please try searching with one field only, e.g. state.

If you are an FFI member and want to be added to the directory, download the application, edit the file, and send it as specified within. Click for application questionnaire.


REQUIRED: Select a country name to narrow the results.:    
Select the state or region from the dropdown menu:    
Enter the last name (only entering the first few letters will give you results):    
Looking for demo tier or instructor? Type demo or instructor in the box.:    
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