Lee and Joan Wulff Legacy Circle
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What is the Lee and Joan Wulff Legacy Circle?

FFI established the Lee and Joan Wulff Legacy Circle in 2019 as a way to honor the tremendous imprint Lee and Joan have left on the world of fly fishing and the contributions they have made to Fly Fishers International.  Planned giving through your estate can be one of the most transformative gifts to FFI. 

Why Join?

There is perhaps no more profound way to establish your legacy withing the sport of fly fishing than by naming Fly Fishers International as a beneficiary in your estate plan.

How Your Bequest Will be Used

Your gift to the Lee and Joan Wulff Legacy Circle will be be used to fund the Education and Conservation programs of Fly Fishers International.

What You Need to Include

  1. Legal Name: Fly Fishers International, Inc.
  2. Designation:  Lee and Joan Wulff Legacy Circle
  3. Employer Identification Number (EIN): 23-7037444
  4. Address: Fly Fishers International, 1201 US Highway 10 West, Suite E, Livingston, MT 59047

Sample Language in Estate Document

  1. Residual Gift: “All the residue of my estate, including real and personal property, I give to the Fly Fishers International, Inc., located in Livingston, Montana.”
  2. A Percentage of the Estate: “I give ______ percent of my estate to the Fly Fishers International, Inc., located in Livingston, Montana.”,
  3. A Fixed Amount of Money or a Designated Property: “I give $_________, (or describe the real or personal property, including legal description or exact location) to the Fly Fishers International, Inc., located in Livingston, Montana.

Please Let FFI Know

Maybe you have already included FFI in your estate plans or you are going to do that now.  Please let us know.  We would like to honor your legacy and acknowledge your generosity that directly impacts the future of fly fishing. 

Download Intention Agreement

Need More Information?

Please contact the President and CEO of Fly Fishers International at operations@flyfishersinternational.org.