FFI Virtual Expo - Fly Tying
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Workshops & demos from FFI tiers

Workshops & demos from FFI tiers

Fly Tying

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Fly Tying workshops, seminars, and demos from some of the best tiers in the world. Learn to tie the flies for the Bronze and Silver Awards as well as dozens of demonstrations that are free with your Expo registration.


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  405 Deer Hair Hacks

Presenter:  Phil Latendresse

Description:  Deer Hair Hacks:  For anyone wanting to tie better bugs.  I will show several techniques that help tying deer hair poppers easier with more consistent results.  Unable to tie a nice skirt, I will show an alternative tail that shows off the head of the tail.  I will show how to get eyes in the same spot on both sides of a popper using a drill press and rotating vice.

Tracks:  Tying Workshop, Trout, Warmwater

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  407 Tying the Life Cycle of the Midge

Presenter:  Richard Rohrbaugh

Description:  Learning the whole life cycle for each hatch we fish is a great way to expand angling opportunity.  People know there is a PMD hatch coming, so they buy or tie a PMD pattern and go fishing.  But on many hatches, the fish key selectively on the separate hatch stages as each one emerges and that means it is often possible to follow the fish through each stage of a hatch if the angler is prepared with the needed patterns.  In this workshop (for lake anglers), we will tie and discuss tactics for each stage in the life cycle of the midge.

Tracks:  Fly Tying, Trout

Class Fee:  $50


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  403 Simple Foam Beetle

Presenter:  Bill Houk

Description:  We will be tying a couple of variations of a simple foam beetle.  The presentation will show how to tie the simple foam beetle and a couple of variations.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Trout,Warmwater

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  404 Different Styles

Presenter:  Jack Gillis

Description:  The workshop would be tying the different styles.

Tracks:  Tying Demo,Trout

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Course Number & Title:  410 Classic Spey Patterns

Presenter:  Cameron Schutza

Description:  Classic Spey patterns are some of the most beautiful and understated flies.  Originally tied to imitate shrimp, their movement underwater is unsurpassed even today.  The Lady Caroline may be one of the most well known of the Spey patterns, and the Gray Eagle is one of the earliest, if not the first, eagle pattern.  The fact that these patterns are still used today, mostly unaltered, is a testament to their design even after more than 150 years after their creation.

Tracks:  Tying Demo

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Course Number & Title:  411 Hellgramite

Presenter:  Barry Webster

Description:  This tying demonstration will show how to tie a Hellgramite fly (aka Dobson Fly nymph) for fishing warm waters where Hellgramites are present. This demonstration will be of interest to tiers from beginners to advanced tiers.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Trout, Warmwater

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Course Number & Title:  412 Laws Pertaining to the Possession and Transportation of Natural Fly Tying Materials

Presenter:  Tom Logan

Description:  It is important that those who use natural materials for tying flies for art, fun, and fly fishing be aware of the natural materials available for fly tying, their source, laws that pertain to possession, use, and transportation of natural materials and the conservation purpose for such local, national, and international laws.

Tracks:  Tying Workshop, Trout, Warmwater, Saltwater, Steelhead, Salmon

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  416 The Evolution of Balanced Flies

Presenter:  Philip Rowley

Description:  This seminar details the evolution of balanced flies from the original pin extension and a tungsten bead to newer bead styles to create a variety of versatile patterns.  Enabling fly fishers to suggest a variety of pattern styles to manage a variety of presentation challenges.  Intermediate to advanced.

Tracks:  Fly Tying, Fly Fishing Skills, Trout

Class Fee:  $50


5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  420 The Black Creeper, a George Grant Patented Fly

Presenter:  Dutch Baughman

Description:  The Black Creeper is a George Grant Fly designed to imitate the Golden Stonefly nymph.  The Black Creeper, a hard tapered body nymph pattern, dressed with black monofilament and signature orange segmented belly, and dressed with a woven-hair hackle technique patented by Grant in 1939.  This demonstration will present the fly dressing as well as the woven-hair hackle.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Trout

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  421 Simple Patterns for Steelhead

Presenter:  Steve DeQuoy

Description:  Steve will tie effective egg patterns, stoneflies, alvins, and fry patterns for either steelhead or Chinook Salmon.  All tying levels are welcome.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Steelhead, Salmon

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  422 Suggest Fly Tying Materials to Assist New Fly Tiers Simplify Their Fly Tying Materials Inventory

Presenter:  Tom Logan

Description:  One of the most challenging experiences for new fly tiers is to understand the vast materials available to them and deciding which of these materials will best suit their fly tying interests.  This workshop is intended to suggest materials that will be suitable for tying most fly patterns and assist the new fly tier purchase materials they will actually use and minimize purchase of expensive materials that may never be used.

Tracks:  Tying Workshop for All Fish, All Waters

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  426 Classic Salmon Fly Techniques - Part A

Presenter:  Eric Austin

Description:  The program is a 3-part class for intermediate or advanced tiers, or anyone who has tied for 2 or more years.  We will go through a variation of the Green Highlander from start to finish focusing on multiple ways to accomplish the same task.  Marrying and mounting wings will be featured, along with techniques for the mallard roof, topping manipulation, and much more.

Tracks:  Tying Workshop, Salmon

Class Fee:  $150


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  505 Tying Posts for Parachute Flies

Presenter:  Tim Papich

Description:  Tim will demonstrate various techniques for tying in a post for the parachute flies, klinkhammers and other flies.

Tracks:  Fly Tying

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  507 Tying and Fishing Cripples

Presenter:  Eric Austin

Description:  Eric will talk about fishing cripples on flat water and tie 3 example flies: the original deer hair Quigley Cripple, Rene Harrop's Last Chance Cripple, and Seiji Sato's Cripple. This program is intended for all tiers and fly fishers.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Trout

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  508 The Prince Charming Nymph & Moose Hair Stimulator

Presenter:  Rocky Gribble

Description:  Tying an effective Prince Nymph variant followed by a simple, yet beautiful, Stimulator variant focusing on material handling to produce well-tied flies.  This demo is recommended for intermediate skill levels.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Trout

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Course Number & Title:  517 Fly Tying Basics for Beginners

Presenter:  Bill Reisbick

Description:  This demo is for Youth and Beginners.  I will demonstrate the Wooly Bugger, Cooper Lake Nymph, and Blue Dun Dry Fly.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Trout

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Course Number & Title:  518 Tying the Muddler Minnow

Presenter:  Jerry Coviello

Description:  Originated by Don Gapen, this fly imitates a small sculpin that is a bottom dwelling fish.  This can also imitate a grasshopper when fished as a dry.  Materials are Hook:  3XL Hook; Tail:  Slip of mottled turkey; Body:  Flat gold mylar tinsel; Rib:  Oval gold tinsel medium; Wing:  Gray squirrel and mottled turkey; Collar and Head:  Spun deer hair.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Trout

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Course Number & Title:  516 Put Wonder In Your Wings

Presenter:  Al Beatty

Description:  Learn to "make" beautiful dry-fly wings out of waste feathers.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Trout, Warmwater, Steelhead

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  524 The Coch y Bonddhu Fly

Presenter:  Dutch Baughman

Description:  The Coch y Bonddu fly was developed in Wales in 1600 to imitate the Coch y Bonddu beetle, and was orginally dressed with a Rooster feather for hackle from the Coch y Bonddu fowl.  A unique dressing  technique and still a very effective fly to this day.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Trout

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  526 Complete Callibaetis

Presenter:  Phil Rowley

Description:  Mayflies are not the dominate food source in lakes, but in waters they do inhabit, they tend to do so in huge numbers.  Callibaetis are the most important and widespread mayfly found in productive western stillwaters.  They provide fly fishers with the opportunity to target trout using a variety of patterns to match the various stages trout feed upon, nymphs, emergers, duns, and spinners.  At times, the surface activity of trout feeding on duns and spinners can be outstanding.  Join author, guide, and stillwater addict, Phil Rowley, as he shows you a cross section of his favorite Callibaetis patterns developed from his over 35 years on the water.  Phil will be providing detailed on-camera tying instruction as well as weaving in his favorite presentation tactics for each pattern.  Pattern recipes and materials listing will also be provided.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Fly Fishing Skills, Trout

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  525 UV Resin Shrimp

Presenter:  Jerry Coviello

Description:  This is a very simple and effective pattern for Sea Trout (in Jersey, we call them Weakfish), Redfish (drum), Stripers (Rockfish), and Blues.  With the UV Resins that came on the market now make tying epoxy type flies easier to tie.  You do not have to place your fly on a rotating drying rack and wait 5 to 10 minutes for them to dry.  You can change the color of the material to match the shrimp.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Saltwater

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Course Number & Title:  529 Crane Fly and CDC Spent Caddis

Presenter:  Koichi Kawai

Description:  I will be tying the Crane Fly using CDC and hackle tips.  This is a sparse and delicate fly.  I will also be tying the CDC Spent Caddis which is a versatile fly that can be used for the mayfly hatch, too.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Trout

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Course Number & Title:  530 Dave's Hopper

Presenter:  Jerry Coviello

Description:  Dave's Hopper is an excellent terrestrial pattern for summertime fishing.  It imitates a grasshopper and floats well because of the Deer Hair head.  I will go over how to spin deer hair and tie the pheasant tail fiber legs.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Trout, Warmwater

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Course Number & Title:  535 Early Stillwater Chironomids

Presenter:  Cheryl Cline

Description:  Tying chironomid imitations and fishing considerations in the early season stillwaters are the subject of this demo.  All levels of anglers might find this interesting:  Behavior, habitat, and fishing technique are all important in the success with this class of fly.  Participants should bring their ideas and experiences and are welcome to tie along.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Fly Fishing Skills, Trout

Class Fee:  $50


6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Course Number & Title:  539 Double Bunny Offspring

Presenter:  Scott Sanchez

Description:  The Double Bunny has been around since 1991 and has spawned many variations.  I will show an easy jointed Double Bunny and a Mini Bunny.

Tracks:  Fly Tying, Trout

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  426 Classic Salmon Fly Techniques - Part B

Presenter:  Eric Austin

Description:  The program is a 3-part class for intermediate or advanced tiers, or anyone who has tied for 2 or more years.  We will go through a variation of the Green Highlander from start to finish focusing on multiple ways to accomplish the same task.  Marrying and mounting wings will be featured, along with techniques for the mallard roof, topping manipulation, and much more.

Tracks:  Tying Workshop

Class Fee:  $150


8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  532 Foam Dragon Bluegill Slayer

Presenter:  Jerry Coviello

Description:  Created by Clark " Cheech" Pierce, this is my favorite pattern for catching bluegills and bass in my area.  I do not leave home without this one.  It floats high and has a lot of movement.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Warmwater

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  540 The Versatile Black Ghost for Trout and Salmon

Presenter:  Peggy Brenner

Description:  Tying Demo of the Black Ghost, designed by Herb Welch of Maine used for both trout and salmon.

Tracks:  FFI Women Connect, Fly Tying, Trout, Salmon

Class Fee:  Free with Registration




11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  603 Meat Whistle & Klinkhammer

Presenter:  Tim Papich

Description:  Tim will demonstrate various techniques for tying in a post for the parachute flies, klinkhammers and other flies.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Trout

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  605 The Mayfly

Presenter:  Mike Morphew

Description:  This session is for fly tyers of all ages and expertise.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Trout

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  608 Dubbing Brushes and Tying the Game Changer

Presenter:  Jerry Coviello

Description:  This workshop will show how to create dubbing brushes from polar fiber and EP Fibers using an Oasis Dubbing Brush Bench.  Then take the brushes and tie a Game Changer using Articulate Shanks.

Tracks:  Fly Tying, Trout, Warmwater, Saltwater, Steelhead, Salmon

Class Fee:  $50


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  628 Choosing the Correct Deer Hair for Spinning or Stacking

Presenter:  Mike George

Description:  We will look at specific characteristics of deer hair that I look for to do my stacking techniques.  We will look a the tools I use.

Tracks:  Fly Tying, Trout, Warmwater, Saltwater, Steelhead, Salmon

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Course Number & Title:  610 Fly Tying Basics for Beginners

Presenter:  Bill Reisbick

Description:  This demo is for Youth and Beginners.  I will demonstrate the Wooly Bugger, Cooper Lake Nymph, and Blue Dun Dry Fly.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Trout, Warmwater

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Course Number & Title:  611 Bass and Bluegill Flies

Presenter:  Fred DuPré

Description:  Fred will be tying several warmwater flies that are proven catchers of bass and bluegill.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Bass, Warmwater Species

Class Fee:  $40



Course Number & Title:  626 Blane Chocklett

Presenter:  Blane Chocklett

Description:  Blane is a fly fishing guide and creator of the Game Change fly.

Tracks:  Fly Tying

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  618 Woven Body Caddis Larva

Presenter:  Jerry Coviello

Description:  I will go over how to weave the Woven Body Caddis Larva.  I do not know if having a two-toned body makes a difference when fishing nymphs.  I know some fly anglers swear that it works as a trigger to attract fish.  I do like how it looks, and the natural insect does not have one color but a few different shades.  This fly will sink quickly and can be used for high stick nymphing in pocket water.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Trout

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  617 Tying My Favorite Trout Flies

Presenter:  Paul Johnson

Description:  Join Paul Johnson as he demonstrates as many of his favorite trout flies that he can tie up in one hour.  He will tie up some dry flies and also a few nymphs.

Tracks:  Tying Demo, Trout

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Course Number & Title:  620 Managing Quill Wings

Presenter:  Jerry Coviello

Description:  Tying in Quill Wings for dry flies and wet flies can sometimes be frustrating.  I will use three different flies to help you with learning how to secure quill wing sections to your dry fly and wet fly.  Flies in the seminar are Blue Dun Dry Fly, Leadwing Coachman Wet Fly, and the Henryville Special Caddis Dry Fly.

Tracks:  Fly Tying, Trout

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Course Number & Title:  627 New Bendback Saltwater Flies

Presenter:  Scott Sanchez

Description:  I will be tying a Furled Bendback Shrimp and Bendback Feather Crab.  The adaption of the snag resistant bendback into these flies give the angler a versatile pattern that can be used for redfish, bonefish, stripers, or permit.

Tracks:  Fly Tying, Saltwater

Class Fee:  Free with Registration


7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Course Number & Title:  426 Classic Salmon Fly Techniques - Part C Final

Presenter:  Eric Austin

Description:  The program is a 3-part class for intermediate or advanced tiers, or anyone who has tied for 2 or more years.  We will go through a variation of the Green Highlander from start to finish focusing on multiple ways to accomplish the same task.  Marrying and mounting wings will be featured, along with techniques for the mallard roof, topping manipulation, and much more.

Tracks:  Tying Workshop

Class Fee:  $150

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