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Fly Casting Education Program (FCEP)


Instructor Tools


Teaching Skills Workshop






            This Code of Conduct provides guidelines for the professional conduct of all members of the CICP.   Compliance with the Code of Conduct is not advisory, but mandatory.  The purpose is to insure that a member of the public who interfaces with the CICP will have a positive experience.


A.         Respect

            Respect for students and candidates for certification examinations is fundamental to professional conduct.  A member of the CICP must show self-respect by performing the role of instructor or examiner in a professional way, respect for others and respect for FFI.  A member demonstrates respect by:

1.     preparing for a casting lesson, be it a class or an individual student, so that it will be a positive experience;

2.     wearing attire appropriate to providing professional services in an outdoor activity;

3.     displaying certification credentials in all CICP activities;

4.     being knowledgeable about the programs and procedures of Fly Fishers International;

5.     acknowledging the dignity of every person;

6.     treating every person equally regardless of their gender age, race, language, socioeconomic status, ethnic origin, disability, or religion;

7.     refraining from comments or actions which allude to gender, age, race, language, socioeconomic status, ethnic origin, disability, or religion in a manner that is negative or implies a negative meaning;

8.     refraining from harsh or unkind criticism;

9.     courteously requesting permission before making any physical contact for the purpose of kinesthetic teaching;

      9.   refraining completely from all other physical contact.

B.        Responsibility          

            Members have the responsibility to:

            1.         maintain casting skill sufficient to demonstrate good technique to students;

            2.         maintain teaching skill sufficient to successfully impart knowledge to a variety of ability levels and learning patterns;

            3.         take positive action when witnessing unprofessional conduct by another member in either a testing or teaching situation to bring an end to that conduct by privately communicating the inappropriateness of the conduct to the colleague or taking other appropriate action;

            4.         cooperate with any effort by the Casting Board of Governors of FFI  (“CBOG”) or any of its committees to address incidents of unprofessional conduct; and

            5.         comply with all provisions of the CICP Test Administration Policy.

C.        Integrity

            Members demonstrate integrity when they are forthright in their professional activities by:

            1.         explaining the fees for services in advance of a fee generating activity such as a casting lesson;

            2.         seeking the advice of the Professional Conduct Committee (“PCC”) of the CBOG on any issue that raises potential conflicts or the appearance of unprofessionalism that may not be specifically addressed in this Code.

            3.         disclosing the existence of any personal, professional, social or financial relationship with a candidate for a certification examination to the PCC for its decision as to whether or not a conflict exists prior to agreeing to serve on an examination team for that candidate.

            4.         not serving  on an examination team for any person to whom he or she provided casting instruction or coaching, whether or not compensated, within six months prior to the date of the examination, unless expressly authorized to do so by the PCC.

            5.         refraining from using the name of the CICP or FFI, or credentials issued by them, in a manner that is detrimental to the CICP and FFI.


            An allegation that the Code of Conduct has been violated by a member of the CICP is subject to review and adjudication by the CBOG and may result in disciplinary action with respect to membership in the CICP and the privileges of membership. The adjudication by the CBOG will be conducted in compliance with the CICP Adjudication Policy. 

Document Downloads

The following documents are used collectively to govern Code of Conduct and violations of such code.  Click to download the document you wish to view.
  • Click here for Test Administration Procedures